Today I want to introduce you to a lady I met a few months ago. I was instantly attracted to her bubbly personality not to mention her sense of style. Later I found out she is the co-pastor of "FAM" First Assembly of God in Milan. I asked Tammy to be a part of this project so I can show you just how awesome I found out she is!
I sat down for a little Q&A with her to get to know her a little better.

bkP: Tell me a little about your "job" if you see it as one.
Tammy: I do not categorize it as a job; I consider it more like a lifestyle. I would express it in these terms: This is not what I do, this is who I am. God has blessed me with this skill set & ability and in turn I use it to help people see the talents and abilities that He has given them.
bkP: When did you realize this is what you were meant to do?
Tammy: At 15 I became aware of the fact that He had a plan for my life and that was when I knew I wanted to help others.
bkP: So how did you get here?
Tammy: I was raised in a Baptist church and at age nine I gave my heart to Jesus. As a young teen we started going to an Assembly of God church where I ministered under the youth pastor and after high school I decided to go to Southeastern University in Florida. It was there I met my husband Rick and together we have been in full-time ministry since 1996.
bkP: I was raised to believe that a man is the "man" of the house and in church a woman should not have a role as a pastor. I don't want to imply that is how it should be but do you feel like there is some discrimination against you as a female pastor?
Tammy: Not at all although I am sure that I relate better to the women in the church but I also have a very healthy relationship with the men in the church as well. My husband and I work very well together as a team. We know each other's strengths and weaknesses and we definitely work together to complement one another. I believe that God has put us together as a team. My role as a co-pastor is to help my husband to be all that he can be. To be the wind behind him and amazingly there is no competition between us at all.
bkP: Who did you admire growing up?
Tammy: My mother, my pastor, and my youth pastors all had a very profound impact on my life.
bkP: What are 3 words to describe yourself?
Tammy: Passionate, loyal, and loving. I have a strong desire to express these and reproduce these in others especially love which is the greatest commandment.

bkp: Something you’re most proud of.
Tammy: My family; my children; they are all truly incredible.
bkP: If you could give the world one piece of advice what would it be?
Tammy: Just to be the person that you were created to be and to do it with all your heart. I believe God has given everyone of us unique gifts and talents and they should be used to their full potential.
bkP: I read a survey not too long ago that the fastest growing group in America is people who say they have no religion at all. Why do you think that is?
Tammy: First of all I do not consider myself to be religious; I have a personal relationship with Jesus. I think that is where we all go wrong. There are too many rules and regulations to fit in anywhere and even religion. God wants us to have a relationship with him. One of my favorite quotes is "You can teach someone what you know but you reproduce who you are." We should set an example to younger generations and show them the personal relationship that you can have and that church can be fun even without all the rules and regulations that man has imposed. God expects me to be who I am and accepts me just the way I am.
bkP: It has been a long time since I have stepped inside a church. The church I grew up in was very boring. I remember when I was little I use to stretch out on the pew and sleep and would only wake up when the preacher would yell. Everything was so monotone. Do you think the "new" church is the way to go? We are in a visual age where we need visual stimulation. Do we need lots of music and things to make church exciting? Do you think that strays from the traditional "church" I grew up in?
Tammy: Not one bit. It is the same message just a different method. You are a photographer, and you don't photograph like they did when you were 9 right? You have to stay unique, fresh, and exciting. Our church is the same way. We want to draw people in and keep spreading the message that we are here and we are part of the community as well. You have to have a relationship with your congregation. We want our "FAM" to be a family; a place where you are an important part of a family and you feel that way.

Tammy and I talked for over 2 hours about her journey. She told me of the times she spoke at a large prison in North Carolina and how she zip lined across the rooftop of the rain forest in Costa Rica on a missions trip. She showed true emotion in our discussion even one time bringing me to tears. She told me of how she wants to continue moving forward. How she wants to grow her audience, not just to be in front of thousands of people but to help them recognize who they really are. It only takes a few minutes to be around her to have her attention. She is definitely one of a kind and I am happy to share her with you.
She is truly an AWESOME woman! Beautiful inside and out!!!
ReplyDeleteKnowing this lady as I do, makes me feel blessed, I have known her for many years and Have learned much through her ministry. She is one of a kind and that is one of the beauties of her life. I've listen to her speak to small crowds and I've listened to her with large ones, she has the same compassion with all. I learn to love this lady in just a few minutes of knowing her,She is truly a blessing to all that know her. If you don't know her, make that efford to get to know her. She is annointed and truly a blessing.
ReplyDeleteThis lady is truly real....How do I know? Because she is my pastors wife and everything she said is exactly the way she lives her life and the person that she is...AND THAT IS TRULY AMAZING!!!!
ReplyDeleteThank you all for your comments!
ReplyDeleteI first met Tammy when I taught her two beautiful daughters. I found her to be a very caring and gracious person.
ReplyDeleteI met this lady when I was in 8th grade. I thought she was a beautiful and sweet lady. I happened to run into her and her family at Chow Wagon the other day and needless to say, there was not a seat in the place open. When they saw me and my family walk in looking for a place to sit, they hurried and finished their meal so that we could have a place to sit. That may have been a little gesture to them. but it showed great character to me. Character that you hardly ever see in day to day life anymore. I think many people could learn from her and her family. I know that I enjoyed going to her husband's youth group meetings when I was younger because he was filled with the spirit of God. Great choice for your February pick BK