Welcome to my little corner! I am so thrilled you are here and hope to see you back. This blogsite is loaded with visual stimulation, new products, ideas and crazy stuff that runs across my mind. Also included will be many grammer mistakes and misspellings I am sure.

My name is Brandy. I will be your guide. I am also a people watcher, day dreamer, artist, flexitarian, guerilla artist, Sweet Potato Queen, music lover, member of the Metal Pounders Union, and photographer.

I absolutely love my job and the opportunities I have to meet the people that I do.


I think when you are passionate about something, your passionate about it all the time. Not just when the mood strikes you.

I am passionate, besides the obvious, about music. You all know how I feel about it. Its something you feel. I don't claim to know everything there is to know about music, but I know alot. When I was younger I would record a song off of the radio with my sisters jam box and replay it on mine, stopping and starting, writing down the words so I would be able to sing along with them. I wanted to know more. I wanted to be able to be good at trivia. My husband shakes his head at me know because I will name a song as soon as it comes on the radio or Cd, without even hearing a single word. My daughter rolls her eyes when I tell her what the song means and how I feel about it. I call that passionate not crazy, that's what they call it.

I am very passionate about photography. I see things. Things I want to make come alive in a photograph. I was an "artist" in school. I would stare at a blank canvas and not be able to paint. If I looked at another picture I could "redo" it my way but I needed that picture to even start. It was like I was not creative enough to conger (I have no idea if that is spelled correctly) up something in my mind. It didn't make me feel like the artist I longed to be. I still look at other photographs for inspiration but I see things everywhere that inspire me on my own.

My canvas is everywhere. I have drug clients to locations and one guy actually said, "Here? Are you sure?" Of course! I promised him it would look macho when we were done. He raved about them after seeing them. That old rusty mill was my canvas, I just needed to put the canvas and the subject together.

I am passionate all the time. Are you? Maybe you need to be. Find the things that are important in your life and be passionate about them. It can be your family, your art, your faith; it can be all of those things thrown into one. Music and photography are not the only things I am passionate about but I sure am awfully fond of them...Until then

Just to confuse you even more here is some Passion

Keep Rockin

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