Someone told me once if you take two people from different households and put them together there is eventually going to be some trouble. Whether they are friends, married, or co-workers.
Take those two people. Each one of them brought up different . Each one of them taught different values. Each one of them subject to the environment they were brought up in. Now put those two people together and let the trouble begin.
One example I can tell this is true by the homes I pass everyday. Growing up my dad mowed the yard every single day it seemed like. So I think the yard should be well manicured. I see some, well lets just say they are not going to win yard of the month. But that was the way I was raised, so that is what I think is right.
Its not you fault, his fault, her fault, anyones fault why there is trouble right? Each person is thinking completely different reasons why the other one is wrong. I think alot of relationships would have been saved just by someone saying, "I was wrong." I have seen alot of relationships end because no one would. No one wants to be at blame. No one wants to be the first one to say they are sorry because that would be admitting that your wrong, right?
I have learned since I have gotten older sometimes you have to be the first one. Let things go and say your sorry. I am not saying I am always willing but I have gotten better at it. It gets easier after the first time...believe me. I still say it alot.
Remember we are two completely different people, but I believe deep down we are the same...Until then
Keep Rockin
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