Welcome to my little corner! I am so thrilled you are here and hope to see you back. This blogsite is loaded with visual stimulation, new products, ideas and crazy stuff that runs across my mind. Also included will be many grammer mistakes and misspellings I am sure.

My name is Brandy. I will be your guide. I am also a people watcher, day dreamer, artist, flexitarian, guerilla artist, Sweet Potato Queen, music lover, member of the Metal Pounders Union, and photographer.

I absolutely love my job and the opportunities I have to meet the people that I do.

Lady Luck is Waiting Outside the Door

I have always said this blog would only be positive and about music, photography or lifting someone up but I am faced again with a battle I have faced before. Before it was a situation I was close to but could escape from and cry when I left their home. I watched my step father and a friend whither into nothing right in front of my eyes over a very short period of time. I let it consume me, almost take over my life. This changed me...I am afraid I will never be the same and now I am told my husband of 6 years has the same scary disease known as cancer.

Its really scary how they have rushed everything. I have had these brief moments where I forget and then all of a sudden reality hits again. He had surgery yesterday to try to remove it. We were pushed through like cattle in a huge waiting room at 6am with tons of other scared looking cows. After 14 hours at the hospital we were sent home. I don't even know where to begin to describe what that was like.

I am scared but I gave all day yesterday to cancer. I have given a lot of time and a lot of tears to cancer and to be honest, Cancer SUCKS. I will not let it win or take things away from me. Cancer took 14 hours of my day yesterday, that's fine...I will give you one day but other than that? You can kiss my a@#. I am done crying over you and you don't deserve another tear out of my eye. I may have my moments where the stress will get the best of me but I am upset to see my family hurt not the fact that you might have one up on me.

So lets do this thing...I have my husbands back and tons of family and friends that have mine. They are strong just like me and we will take you down. Our new theme song is I'm Winning. I'm winning and I don't intend losing again...You may crank up the jam and thank me.

Keep Fightin


  1. Oh girl....my heart aches for you. You often hear of people "battling" cancer. And I suppose that that is just what it is. A battle. Not an easy process - and not a fast process.....but a fight.

    One thing I know about you is that you don't sit down when it comes to a fight....and a good fight at that. I know that you will do all that you can - and rock this thing for all it is worth....and my prayer is that your family will be victorious and that cancer will not win.

    Keep kickin girl.

    Praying....and big hugs for you today.

  2. I really appreciate it Chris. It is just something we are going to have to beat...HAVE TO! If you see me getting down push me back in the ring dont throw in the towel

  3. I am so sorry to hear this. Stay strong and you and your husband live each day to it's fullest.

    Hugs from Calif.

  4. You know, I think I've said all that I can say on it. You know I'm here, got yo'back and praying with every chance I get.

    I just found out that another friend of mine is actually battling it herself, so I am with you on the "being done with letting it win". I am positive we both can give the support that we need to (you to Corey and me to you and whomever else needs it). WE CAN DO THIS. Keep the faith girl!


  5. Holly ~the babycatcher~July 29, 2010 at 7:20 PM

    Hey Brandy....guess what...you are the strongest woman I know, and this cancer crap needs to tuck tail and RUN!!!! Keep going... for Corey...for Cam...for Rachel (i.e. Wheels)... for Brandy. You guys are loved.
